I was just browsing through some old pics and decided to share a few with you all
Me and friend Isis (former GMHC co-worker of mines, role model and America's Next Top Model" contestant) hanging out and having a ball

Hanging with a few of the performers from the hit "Three Mo Tenors" and friends celebrating Thanksgiving together (2007)

Hanging out with the crew @ Mocca Lounge

Lamar Stanton and Myself at the 2007 Latex Ball ( Chile I look tired as hell, It was Hottt... LOL)

Harmonica Sunbeam and Myself @ the 2007 Latex Ball (b4 I lost the weight, lol)

Hanging with the Nathan's at brunch (can't you just feel the unity and brotherly love)

JR (star of the movie Four Letter Word) and myself at my Maurice Runea fashion line debut

Me, Ray Cunningham(of College Hill season 3) and Dwight O'Neal (producer of Christopher Street "The Series") Having dinner and cutting up at dinner

Me and Famed Photographer and Ballroom Icon, The Legendary Luna Legacy hanging out at Fire Island

Shorty J (porno-star of the Raw Thugs series I see how he got his name) and myself

Me and Bobby Blake (ooh! He makes me nervous every time I see him in a good giddy way, lol)

Derrick L. Briggs (the movie "Finding Me" and Reading is Sexy Book club), Me (Maurice Runea) and Ray Cunningham (of College Hill season 3 and now Christopher Street "The Series" and The Bleu Juice Blog)

Derrick L. Briggs (Finding Me Movie), Dwight O'Neal (Christopher Street "The Series"), Ray Cunningham (College Hill "season 3") Maurice Runea (writer, fashion designer/stylist, activist) and Adam Benjamin Irby (writer/blogger) bugging out at the S Party

Me and author of "Hiding In Hip-Hop" Terrance Dean (don't we look like a married couple in this pic greeting our public, LOL)

Me, Lamar, Ray and recording artist Jesse O

Me and Janet Jackson's back up dancer Chucky (we getting married, he just don't know it yet, LOL)

Me and one of my best friends actor/model JR

Me Dwight, BBOP (host of the Beautiful Boyz Of Pride Podcast Show, recording artist Baron and rapper Shorty Roc hanging out (is it me or do we all look a lil' tipsy, check out my eyes, lol)

Me and "IT" from the reality show "I Love NY" (Chile he is really slow, no really he slow, lol)

Me and the one and only Nathan Williams at RUSH

Adam Benjamin Irby and Harmonica Sunbeam celebrating my birthday at Escuelita's

Me and star of Christopher Street "The Series" Jared DeWese taking a break after partying

Me and DJ Baker, host of 'Da Doo Dirty Show (more like Da Doo "U" Dirty show, LOL)

Me, Adam and Dwight after hitting a restaurant, a bar and three clubs, we were tire as hell

Dwight, Lynn Whitfield (star of Thin Line Between Love and Hate and The Josephine Baker Story) myself and my other husband (but he don't know it yet either, lol) Derron Cook celebrating my birthday at the exclusive restaurant Josephine's. (This was one of the best nights of my life)

Me and BBOP (host of the Beautiful Boyz of Pride Podcast Show) at Adams B. Irbys 25th Birthday Bash

Me and writer of gay erotica Nathan James (on the Queen of Hearts Cruise)

BBOP, DJ Baker ,Me and Shorty Roc on GMHC's "The Barbershop" panel (don't we look excited to be there, LOL)

Dwight, Likwuld (1/2 of the dynamic recording duo Rebel Starr), Adam and myself hanging at the Noah's Arc Reception Mixer

Me and Rob from "I Want To Work For Diddy"and now the host of the online show "Mocca Lounge" hanging out at the "No Shade" Party

Me and famed photographer DexStar G (posing for the paparazzi)
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