I was personally invited to Fashion Week presented by Qu Qu Events at the Oreintial Loft and they truly rolled out the red carpet for me, first when I arrived I was infomed that I was on Dexter Ivory's (runway coach/ fashion designer/ stylist extrodinaires) V.I.P. guest list and then I was escorted to my front row seats... Yes they know how to treat celebs forsure, lol.

The show was quite interesting, there were some very interesting pieces that hit the runway, and all the designers did there thing. I especially loved how they intertwined the show with skinny and plus size models... I enjoyed myself, It was a long fashion show though (close to 16 designers showcased there pieces and the show lasted a little over two hours),, I took so many pictures, I caught a cramp in my hand and then I got sleepy, but I had to keep smiling because the press was filming and you always have to be camera ready, Don't want to be caught on film napping.

After the show I was invited backstage where I meet some of the models, posed for pictures, made contacts with other designers and I've been asked to be part of the next Fashion Week... Im excited about that.
I was amazed at how many people recognized me and knew who I was, They were walking up to

me for my contact info like I was Beyonce or something, lol, I loved it!
This has been a great week for me, I was told earlier today that I am wanted for this movie role, and Im about to be in talks with four publications in reference to me writing for them... How cool is that? I guess it's true, If you put it out into the Universe it will become a reality.

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