Thanx To All Who Made This The Best Birthday Ever
Saturday, July 19th
It was hot and muggy, but I was even hotter, lol... I met my fam, Hayward, Dwight Allen O'Neal and Jeff in the Village for dinner. We dined at "The Pink Tea Cup" where we had an absolute ball, Dwight sang two numbers to the restaurant attendees and had us all in stitches while we dined on baked ham, sweet potatoes, potatoe salad, collard greens, fried chicken, macoroni & cheese and butter milk bisquits (damn I just got hungry, lol), Shout out to our waitress, Vanessa, She was definately a kiki.
We then met up with Adam Benjamin Irby at The Dugout, got drunk, played pool and bar hoped to the infamous "Chi Chiz", need I say more, lol... Got more drunk, flirted a lil' and bounced to Brooklyn to party at "Langston's"... Langston's was cute, way to crowded but cute. We shut the club down and chilled out side mingling with folks and promoting Adam's Birthday Bash, I felt like a star cause during the night a few guys kept coming up to me cause they recognized me from my talk show "Vantage Point". I headed home, I dont live to far from "Langstons" so I was home in like 15min, changed, showered, had a glass of wine and off to bed I went.
P.S. Thanx to "Da Doo Dirty Show" for the on air birthday shout and the re-airing of my first interview on the show... Much love to DJSOUL for the warm on-air Birthday wishs on his show "Hump Wednesdays" and much luv to BBOP for the birthday shout on his "Beautiful Boyz of Prides World" podcast show. Thanx For The Luv Guys.
Sunday, July 20

Harmonica turned it, I had talked to her earlier in the week to invite her to my birthday party that following tuesday, so she knew it was my birthday, she gave me a birthday shout, told the audience about my show and then said so where's the cake and balloons? I said my party's Tuesday at Splash. She responded with, Cool, but today is Sunday at Escuelita, LOL.
She had me come up on stage and Suga Pie Coco sang Happy Birthday to me (Thanx for the free drinks ladies), It was a riot, Harmonica got two members from the audience to serenade me. The first one turned it, his voice was as sexy as he was "How U Doin", the second one, lets just say Thanx and leave it at that, lol... Dancer Jamal did what he does best, lets just say X-Rated and leave it at that
After the show, JR, Hayward and Dee left and Adam and myself stayed to party and promote a lil'... And Then It Happened, People wer pratically mobbing us, they were stopping me asking about my clothing line and my show, tey were running up to Adam to autograph his flyers and saying they remember him from ADTV, It was sick, we felt the celebrity, lol...
Special note to my fans: Thanx for ALL the Luv, I really appreciate it... I Luv You All To.
After the show, JR, Hayward and Dee left and Adam and myself stayed to party and promote a lil'... And Then It Happened, People wer pratically mobbing us, they were stopping me asking about my clothing line and my show, tey were running up to Adam to autograph his flyers and saying they remember him from ADTV, It was sick, we felt the celebrity, lol...
Special note to my fans: Thanx for ALL the Luv, I really appreciate it... I Luv You All To.
Monday, July 21st
Lord, this was a crazy day, I had to prep for my Birthday Party tuesday. My good friend Aniff met me at my house at around 3pm and off to the city we went, first stop, order the ballons at
Party City on 14th Street, then stopped for a quick lunch, met up with Dwight and his friend Jimmy, went to check on the progress of my Birthday cakes, stopped by my office at "GMHC" and was tired as hell after all that running, but the day was'nt over...

Those that know me know I shop to relax and shop is what I did, off to 34th Street (I luv the dark denim boot-cut jeans @ Old Navy, That fit is crazy, almost like they were designed just for me), I got home around midnite and it was a wrap, It was definately bed-time for bozo, lol.
Tuesday, July 22nd
"Maurice Runea's BIG Day"

I jetted to the city at 7pm to pick up the balloons and decorations, took them to my office stored them there, ran to pick up my cakes (both of which were equally delicious, one was a two tier strawberry short cake with "1st Lady Moe-Bama For President" on it, that was a kiki was'nt it, lol and the other was a single layer chocolate on chocolate cake with fresh strawberrys and chocolate shedding on top). I then went and had a nice quite, relaxing dinner by myself, went back to my office and waited for my friend Aniff to meet me so we could ship everything over to "Splash"... I arrived at 10pm, told everyone bre there by 11, but of course people packed in around midnite, the turn out was freakin' great. The strawberry daquiris at Splash are off the hook, I was good and tipsy (Sorry Dwight for falling and bringing you down with me, lol and than for helping me up, only so I could fall again, lol).
Shout Out To Splash for the V.I.P. section and a Special Shout Out To Nathan "7" Scott, Nathan Williams, Danny X, Amil, DJ's Poision Ivy & M.K. and the Splash staff. Thank You For Making My Party A Success.
Wednesday, July 23rd

Now Yall know I parties, So I decided to celebrate my birthday till the end of the month, so wednesday morning I awoke to discover after all my yelling all nite, I had lost my voice, but that dont stop no party, I went to work, drank some tea, relaxed & by the goodness of God, my voice returned...
I got a text from Derron, the original "Sexy As Hell"camera man from "Vantage Point" Season's 1 & 2 and he apoligized for missing my party, but he wanted to take me out for dinner and he invited Dwight... So the plan was set, we had 8pm reservations at the exclusive and very expensive "Josephines" on 42nd & 9th, for Thursday.
I came home, made some denim jeans metalic silver for Dwight, to go along with Adam's silver party theme Friday and caught up on some episodes of "The Wendy Williams Show" and that was that.
Thursday, July 24th

Thanx Derron for making my Birthday Dinner VERY memorable, after that I think I need a "Nap-Time"... We must do it again.
Straight from dinner we headed to "RUSH", to meet up with Adam, were we partied like rock stars again, Derron pulled out his video camera and the celebrity was on, we did on the spot interviews and promoted the hell out of Adam's 25th Birthady Bash, We then decided to ask everyone a question, that was actually sparked from a conversation Adam, Dwight, Derron and myself were having and the question was "Have You Ever Been Mind F#%ked?"... If you never experienced being mind f#%ked then your definately missing out, for sure.
(Mind F#%ed - when two people have an uspoken sexual chemistry and the conversation is erotic to the ear but none sexual and both of you pick up on the vibes and want to rip each others cloths off but dont actually have sex.)
We went inside "RUSH "and wow, boys, Boys and more BOYS, wall to wall hotties and a few hot messes... Dwight aka Beyonce, lol, took to the stage and dropped it like its hot, I worked the room, Adam worked the cuties and Derron caught it all on video... The dancer "Fine" was dancing on the bar in nothing but a towel (and so what I took a few peaks and touched a lil', ok a whole lot. I mind as well tell it now before yall see the video floating around on X-Tube, LOL).
We were exhausted but the partying was'nt over, we headed over to "Escuelita", which was real cute on a thursday nite and again people gave us star status, one kid came up to me and told me how he saw me in Maryland and described who I was with (now I know I have to watch what I do in public, paparazzi is watching, lol).
The nite was over and home we all headed... I walked in my door around 6:30am and in bed by 8am...
Friday, July 25th
"Adam's Big Day"
"Adam's Big Day"

The set-up was cute and quick and people started arriving around
11:30ish, by 1am there was a line around the freakin corner and the venue was at full capacity... I worked the door for my new lil' brother collecting donations and gifts and Dwight was the Hostess with the Mostest (working me like Hitler, lol)... Likwuld was spinning all the hottest and latest tracks and had the party bumping, there were $5 dollar drink specials all nite, people actually flew in to be at Adam's Silver Themed Birthday/Industry Party of the Year.

(Special Thanx To Those Who Came Through, Donated and Gave Presents To Adam Benjamin Irby On His Special Day. He really appreciated all the luv.)
That rounded up the partying for this week...
Stay Tuned cause we not finished yet.
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