II. Thou shouldest never ask "can we see each other from now on?"
III. Thou shalt refrain from referring to our activities as "love making" & never mutter the words "I Love You"... This is cause for immediate termination.
IV. Thou shall not request advanced plans or ask for anything resembling a real date.
V. Thou shalt kiss anything except my mouth (Hell anything above the chin is off limits).
VI. Thou shall "NEVER" ask thee for favors and/ or loans (this will make the Booty Call contract null and void)
VII. If someone cometh over whilst thou art here, thou art my cousin from out of town.
VIII. Thou shalt not ask me to walk thee to thy car, Didn't thee walketh to my castle alone?
IX. There shall be no "pillow talk", "romantic nites" or "holidays".
X. There shall be no cuddling or Block Buster nites -- ever!
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