301 W.39th St.
New York, NY
Be sure to catch Maurice Runea "The Show"...
This week is the season finale with Dwight Allen O'Neal & Jared DeWese of Christopher Street: www.TheRainbowCollective.com
Season 2 of Maurice Runea "The Show" premiere's Wednesday, May 6th...
Be prepared to be blown away like a drag queens wig in a fierce hurricane.
Maurice Runea Inc.
Maurice Runea "The Show": www.TheRainbowCollective.com
YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/chocolatemrh (Subscribe)
Myspace: www.myspace.com/MauriceRunea
FaceBook: Maurice Runea
Maurice Runea "The Magazine": www.MauriceRunea.blogspot.com (Subscribe)
E-Mail: chocolatemrh@hotmail.com
Jordin & Chris partying @ Chris's party in ATL
Chris & Jordin relaxing