In A perfect World Batman would look like this
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If you want to know where your heart is, look where your mind goes when it wanders. quote by Justin Johnson
YouTube Channel:
Contact Runea:
If you want to know where your heart is, look where your mind goes when it wanders. quote by Justin Johnson
August 22, 2008
An "America's Next Top Model" 1st
"The Institute" is beaming with pride!!!
Isis, A former Peer Educator and co- worker of mines at the Gay Men's Health Crisis is now competing for the Title of
"America’s Next Top Model" in Cycle 11 airing Sept 3rd!!!
Isis is the first transgender contestant to compete, She's beautiful inside and out, ambitous and a role model. Lets wish Isis all the best.
Google's meaning of "Isis":
Female of throne, Queen of the throne. An important source of the Pharoah's power.
August 21, 2008
August 20, 2008
The Latex Ball - 8/23/2008
August 18, 2008
FIBO 2008
Fire Island Black Out was a freakin BLAST!
The weather was nice, Thanx to Mother Nature...The boyz were out in all shapes, sizes, colors and ages looking sexier than ever
The lesbians were holding it down for the cause and like always The FIBO team delivered.
A Special shout out goes to Russell and the entire FIBO team for providing yet another drama free, fun event, I'm looking forward to FIBO 2009.

back row, l-r: Ozzie, Jordin, Allen aka Alice, Maurice Runea & Junior
front row, l-r: Dominique & Lameeki
So What I Was Being A lil' Fresh, LOL
Are'nt They So Cute Together

August 12, 2008
Baron - The "Celebrity"
The multi talented Baron sits down with Maurice Runea

Baron - Likewise. (Flashing his famous boyish smile)
Maurice - Well, Mr. Celebrity... What prompted you to name your album "Celebrity"?
Baron - Let's see, What inspired "Celebrity". Well Im a firm believer in the power of words and my album is about creating the celebrity in the listener. My music's a celebration of both the things we are ashamed of and the things we celebrate.
Maurice - Very interesting answer, I was'nt expecting that response... So tell me about your CD insert, most of the pictures you used seem to be from professional modeling shoots, Is modeling one of your other ventures?
Baron - I'm currenetly modeling and the photo's used wee promotional shots.
Maurice - I see you acknowledged quite a few influential figures in the community, like Lee Soulja, Likwuld, King Jabbar, Maurice Jamal, Buttafly Soul, Jesse O, & William Scott, Just to name a few... What roles did they play in the success of yur album?
Baron - Some were supporters from the begining, like Lee Soulja, he's done so much to help me along my way and has been a great supporter and friend as were the many that were listed.
Maurice - I must say Lee is an absolute sweetheart and a great supporter. So tel me Baron, What inspired the track "Free Yourself"?
Baron - That track was inspired by the number of black men who are incarcirated and the violence that is spewing in Jamaica... It's about how we need to free ourselves from the negativities surrounding us. It's about being oppressed and freeing ourselves from it.
Maurice - I know you to be an "out" artist and I listened to your album from begining to the end and track #12 "To The Moon" really stood out to me and threw me through a loop because there's a verse where you say "Hey Lady, Can I Be your boy". Can you explain that?
Baron- (Laughing) Wow! your coming hard with the questions... (Still laughing) The album is about Baron. "To The Moon" is about me falling in love with a woman, but having feelings for men and how I don't really understand how to express my attraction to woman because of the gay box I've been placed in. That track is basically about me saying, I'm a leave Earth, go to the Moon and start some new shit... a new Baron order, living by Baron's rules, where I can be myself and not be questioned, judged or ridiculed by what I do or who I do it with.
Maurice - Where do you see "Baron" in the next five years?
Baron - Traveling and performing is what I'd like to be doing in the next five years.
Maurice - I have to ask this because like myself the public wants to know... Is Baron involved?
Baron - (busting with laughther) No, Im not involved... But I am looking.
Maurice - So ladies and gentlemen, you heard it hear first, Baron is looking to take some lucky person "To The Moon"...
Maurice - Let's talk about your career. How did you get into creating music and how can the public hear your work as well as contact you?
Baron - "Troubled Man" gave me the inspiration to explore music more, it was my calling, my love, my destiniy. My fans can check me out at
Maurice - I've had the pleasure of knowing you for a few years now and In person you seem very shy and reserved, But your music and performances seem to be more open and free... Tell me why's that?
Baron - There's Baron and then there's "BARON"... Sometimes Im shy, sometimes I'm a lil' wild. It depends on what I feel like giving at that moment.
Maurice - Describe your idea of the "Perfect" date.
Baron - My perfect date would be a blockbuster night... Relaxing at home with a good movie, good popcorn and good company.
Maurice - Ahh! That sounds so romantic and sweet... So what is Baron attracted to?
Baron - (barely keeping his composure from gigling so hard) I'm attarcted to guys named "Joa" and "Joaquim"...This Season, lol.
Maurice - Whats Baron's pet peeves?
Baron- I hate people being late, unprepared, and texting... I can't stand text messaging, but I do it, lol.
Maurice - Who would you most like to do a duet with?
Baron - Santogold, She's dope and Kanye West.
Maurice - If you could travel back in time and make some changes, Would you change anything?
Baron - I wish I could go back in time with the knowledge that I wanted to be a performer so that I copuld of made the moves in my younger years much earlier that I have.
Maurice - Thank you for such a wonderful interview, but before I let you go, I have one last question for you... Has Baron ever been in love?
(The room feel silent and Baron took a deep breath and said, NO)
Baron - I've loved someone, but I've never been in love.

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